The Westbury Memorial Public Library believes that private giving plays an important role in strengthening and enriching the services of the Library.
The Westbury Memorial Public Library believes that private giving plays an important role in strengthening and enriching the services of the Library. The Library accepts gifts (including financial securities) at the discretion of the Library Director and/or Board of Trustees under the following conditions:
- Unrestricted monetary gifts will be used at the discretion of the Library Director and/or Library Board in accordance with this gift policy and/or the Library’s Mission Statement, Collection Development Policy or any other relevant planning document (s).
- Restricted monetary gifts will be accepted on condition that the specific use requested is consistent with the mission, goals and objectives of the Library. A restricted gift must be approved by a vote of the Library Board, pursuant to New York State Education Law sec. 257. Gifts that may result in ongoing costs to the institution, such as staffing or special maintenance, will also require Library Board approval.
- Memorial gifts may be refused if an expenditure of library funds, and/or staff time is necessary to make the gifts usable. The Library does not guarantee the purchase of specifically identified titles with such funds. Donors do not have the right of approval of titles before purchase, however, donors are encouraged to recommend subject areas if desired.
- Gifts of Library materials (books, DVD’s, etc) may be accepted with the understanding that the Library reserves the right to add them to its collection, or distribute, donate, sell or discard them. Gift materials shall meet the same selection standards as purchased materials. The Library reserves the right to determine its retention, location, cataloging treatment and other considerations related to its use, maintenance or removal.
- All gifts, upon acceptance and receipt by the Library, become the property of the Library. All personal property, including, but not limited to art objects, antiques and other collectibles, shall be accepted only on condition that they may be sold, kept, given away or discarded at the discretion of the Library Board and/or the Library Director. The Library reserves the right at all times to dispose of any gift without notification to the donor, if in the judgment of the Library Director, or his/her designee, such item no longer serves the purposes of the Library.
A gift will be formally acknowledged in writing if requested by the donor. Library bookplates will be placed in library materials purchased with gift funds if requested by the donor. Programs and services made possible by gift funds will include recognition of such benefactors in the supporting literature. Recognition of gifts may also be made through the Library’s newsletter and/or web site, or announcement in the local newspaper. A plaque may be made to recognize property purchased with gift funds exceeding five thousand ($5,000) dollars.
The Library is unable to appraise or estimate the value of gift donations. The responsibility and cost for such assessment lies with the donor and the Library recommends that donors consult with their attorneys and/or tax advisors.
Policy Approved by the Board of Trustees in April, 2013